just a update on this, i am not surprised this event has been cancelled two other events i attend here have also move away due to this new event manager/ team been absolute greedy A**HOLE*!!! they will have lost so much money with events not been held there is crazy business, he/they will be gone by next year if not sooner!
from website
Vauxfest Event 2023 AnnouncementIt is with very sad regrets that Richard and John (joint event organisers) have to announce that Vauxfest 2023 will have to be cancelled. Billing started advertising the event in October 2022 for us under one management. This manager has now unfortunately left and a new manager has taken his place. This new manager has decided he wants £52,000 for the renting of Shelduck 1 and 2 for our event (up front), plus all the camping and gate fees for all event visitors and attendees (this is happening to all events at Billing Aquadrome). We can only class this as pure greed considering the support we have given Billing Aquadrome over the past 25+ years of Vauxhall Bedford Opel related shows. As many of you are aware, Vauxfest is a non-profit making event, therefore the £52,000 up front fee is not viable to be made. We have been trying to get into touch with Royal Resorts, (who are the current owners of Billing Aquadrome) and Billing Aquadrome themselves. However, they have both chosen to ignore our attempts of communication.