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Unstable return to idle when revving

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  • Unstable return to idle when revving

    Hello, have specific problem with my Insignia B 2019 D20DTH engine, the car is started and it's idling, it's on neutral or park, when I increase the revs to 2.5k or something and let go the pedal, the rev will return to idle but with two bounce... And then it goes into 1000rpm or 750, depends if the car is on temperature or not. Problem is that Its not returning to idle smoothly...
    When I'm driving and I'm stopping, the car goes to neutral and to idle rev, the rev bounce and it's very uncomfortable...any experience with that? No error in ECU... Otherwise drives normally..

  • #2
    Clean the throttle body and make sure the anti run on flap is not coked up .
    Also a good time to clean your maf and map Sensors



    • #3
      Hello, thank you, all 3 cleaned, also changed fuel pressure valve on common rail and sensor glow plugs new... Still no change ...


      • #4
        It would be good if you also told us what you have done in the first post then I would not of needed to suggest things.
        DOse this happen with the air conditioning on or off?
        Is yours auto?
        Have you disconnected the battery for a couple of hours?
        Past that get live data on your diagnostic tool and have a look at fuel trims
        And actual air volume through the MAF .



        • #5
          I didn't want to influence your suggestion... It's same with AC on/off.. the transmission is automatic.. local shop after diagnostic told me that there is drop on fuel pressure when the pedal is release.. so we change the valve on rail and sensor... But it didn't help... so they suggested injectors and 3 from 4 were KO.. so I changed 4 new injectors... Not much of change... I'm thinking about the fuel valve on high pressure fuel pump?


          • #6
            Are you just throwing parts at the car without proper diagnosis? That's an expensive rout to take .
            The one on the hp is a just regulates the pressure.but it relies on information from ecm which gets it's information from the crank position revolution, air temperature throttle position.etc
            That's why you require live data as stated on last post.
            Did you code the new injectors at all .
            And did those new injectors or any work that's been carried out improve the situation at all ?



            • #7
              well not me but local repair shop and yes its starts to look like exactly that...

              yes they code the injectors...
              and yes I think the overall its better during the drive.. but not the stationary symptoms... Im mean when I rev the car on neutral or park...
              will check the air and fuel trim and get back to you.

              so far THANK YOU !


              • #8
                I was curious if someone had same problem, behaving of the engine...


                • #9

                  So fuel -

                  And intake -

                  Thank you


                  • #10
                    I wanted fuel trims not fuel pressure.
                    Pressure is ok .and it would be.
                    But your DPF is not registering any pressure on video number 1



                    • #11
                      Ah sorry ... Yes torque do not read DPF not sure why.. but OPL monitor does...
                      Will do the video of trim tomorrow..

                      Thank you


                      • #12
                        Here is the video of EGR, this is normal to be open like that?

                        Thank you


                        • #13
                          Cannot see that portion of the display.



                          • #14
                            ah... one more time from google -



                            • #15
                              To me, it looks like EGR is not closing... I asked my friend to do the same.. and his closing completely to 0%... Can this be the reason?

                              thank you

