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Unstable return to idle when revving

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  • #31
    Yea, I asked them and they told me yes it stopped but now after I told them that's it same, they told that it was same after the change


    • #32
      What are the 2 lines on that graph?
      One looks like fuel rail pressure.
      What's the other one?
      Also what barometric pressure is your MAF showing at idle?



      • #33
        One line Is expected and second is current pressure ...

        Ok will check the MAF

        Thank you


        • #34

          video of MAF -

          also picture from yesterday test where the shop change the valve on high presure pump but it didnt helped...

          Picture -



          • #35
            Hello, it looks like my battery is bad... Is it possible that it can be cause of this?
            Pictures from battery tester -

            thank you


            • #36
              NO .
              you really are clutching at straws now.



              • #37
                Yes... because I do not know what to do next... two shops and one changed 5 things and nothing... second told me "we dont know" bye ....


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Aurega View Post
                  Yes... because I do not know what to do next... two shops and one changed 5 things and nothing... second told me "we dont know" bye ....
                  Something worth checking that will cost nothing/little to check is look for an air leak. If it's not settling down as it should after a blip on the throttle it may be having to deal with unmetered air. You have checked map and maf and they appear to be functioning but if air is getting in or out somewhere then the fuel system will try and compensate. I don't have this problem with mine but I think it may have been doing this type of thing prior to my boost pipe coming apart at the joint where it it meets the throttle body on the top of the engine. I couldn't see a problem with the boost pipe before it let go but my guess is there was already a leak.

                  It's worth a check anyway! Maybe a strong washing up liquid mix with water and look for bubbles or smoke test?


                  • #39
                    thank you, that's actually good idea ! My boost pipe went off .. so it was changed at dealers, not sure if the problem started after this... I will check for air leak... just have to find someone with the smoke generator...


                    • #40
                      Ok on friday I am booked for air leak test at local garrage... will let you know... thank you one more time for that idea


                      • #41
                        If it turns out that it is the boost pipe joint I fixed mine with a kit from Turbozentrum it was far cheaper than a new pipe and less likely to fail.
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	20240813_164007.jpg
Views:	39
Size:	50.6 KB
ID:	377931


                        • #42
                          Hello, so we tested air leak but nothing... No leak ... so I don't know ... Only thing we found that there is oil coming from this pipe... So probably the oil separator membrane failed?
                          Attached Files


                          • #43

                            is it possible that the failed membrane is reason for my problem with rev bounce during return after rev??



                            • #44
                              Has there been considered that this is a throttle pedal problem? If the pedal is "sticking" after you let go it should be an easy check with diagnostic equipment.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Aurega View Post
                                Hello, so we tested air leak but nothing... No leak ... so I don't know ... Only thing we found that there is oil coming from this pipe... So probably the oil separator membrane failed?
                                how much oil? do you see oil level going down between changes?
                                anyway if i understand correctly this thing is venting crankcase and separating oil
                                but it technically comes after maf/map sensor so technically if it is supplying too much air (because of broken membrane and excess crank gasses?!) it is unmetered air and pretty much same as leak?
                                quite unorthodox measure but to not replace anything you could remove the the pipe and close the intake side tightly, put the pipe from membrane in bottle to temporary test the change if any?

                                would need someone to give a second opinion on what i've told as i am not an expert

