Found this quite a while back, and after having to try to explain to somebody on facefuck about how the different colour badges on the Insignia's actually helps to quickly refer to the different engine BHP and gearbox set ups, I thought I'd post it on here to help folk work out just what is what with...
Can't beat it when somebody comes on here acting all 'entitled and stuff' but then gets shot down by you guys.. makes the day worth getting out of bed for..
Deffo sounds like the ballasts have **** themselves,
unless they have aftermarket LEDS fitted and the led has gone kaput..
I'd be having a look at the fuses for the seats, you might be lucky in that a fuse has popped...(although what's caused the fuse to blow could be a long...
Brilliant stuff there...(added your page to my 'car folder' for future reference,), and you've actually showed which fuse you've piggy-backed in to...nice one..
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